Two Wings International School


“The integration of subjects is above all a practice which cannot be learned or taught, but which is lived. It is a mentality to develop, an attitude to adopt. This practice must be a conscious choice of what is constructive in it; it must also be voluntary because it requires the teacher to question his or her conception of education, learning and the type of relationship to establish and experience with students. »


Oral language will remain the major focus of activities. At Two Wings International School, the child will spend their day in partial immersion in French and partial immersion in English. French will remain predominant and will be inspired in its approach by French programs while retaining its influence from the Cambridge Early Age Curriculum in order to facilitate learners with a better transition to the Cambridge Primary Program.

  • It will allow each child to participate in verbal exchanges in the class and will include language activities in real communication situations.
  • It will support young children in their first learning of language: language in situation (i.e. directly articulate with the action or event in progress).
  • It will create as many as possible verbal exchange situations as possible for each child.
  • It will Include language activities in the experience (verbalize actions) and increase interactions.
  • They will learn to use language to evoke events in their absence: present, past, future and imaginary events.
  • Verbally recall the activities that have just taken place in class
  • Find your way in time and use the verbal marks of temporality.
  • The child must first learn to use the marks of enunciation which allow him to situate himself in the present at the moment when he speaks and, on both sides, the past and the future. These marks are either useful words or expressions (now, today, last month, later, the day after tomorrow, next week, etc.).
  • Temporal marks relating to the use of evocative language: diligent work on the part of the teacher. He (she) gives himself a temporal origin referring to the objective time of the calendars, whether this origin is vague (in the past) or precise (September 9, date of the start of the school year), significant family events (birthdays), the start of the school year, school festivals, date of civil society and, later, of culture (which implies history).
  • From recalling past events to telling stories: discovering oral cultures.
  • Situate oneself in space and describe ordered objects. It is then appropriate to help him to appropriate:
  • The marks of enunciation structuring the space from the one who speaks: here, there, near me, far from me, to the right, to the left, up, down, in front of me, behind me.
  • Lexical events expressing movements or oriented situations (moving away, approaching, coming, going away, leaving, arriving, going up, going down).
  • Some examples of nouns and verbs that have specific special values:
    1. The ceiling
    2. Floor
    3. The cave
    4. The staircase
    5. The attic,
    6. To go up
    7. To come down
    8. Move forward
    9. To move back
    10. The sky

They discover the main social functions of writing:

  • Here, it is important that we make posters: (photocopy the covers of books, newspapers, drinks, important places such as school, neighbourhoods, the library, the family environment, etc.)
  • Become familiar with written English:
  • Ex: we ask the child to dictate to the teacher a text to write. The child becomes aware that his words have been fixed by writing.
  • The adult asks him to finish a sentence; he intervenes by telling him what can and what cannot be written.>


Situations in which one of the two languages is socially devalued are very often penalizing for the child. We play a balancing role and show that, if English is the language used, this does not mean that speaking another language in the family environment is a sign of cultural relegation. With children, it is not necessary to set up “English as a foreign language” type of teaching.

Assessment and identification of difficulties

  • It is based on daily observation. The teacher keeps a logbook. The evaluations of the learning implemented complete this system.
  • • The Observation Grid or language test concerns the characteristic stages of the child’s language development (3rd Kindergarten)
  • First contact with a foreign language. Aspects of this preferred program in nursery school:
  • Education of the ear in phonological and accentual realities: recognizing and reproducing the rhythm, phonemes and intonations.
  • First contact with a foreign language.
  • Aspects of this preferred program in nursery school:
  • Education of the ear in phonological and accentual realities: recognizing and reproducing the rhythm, phonemes and intonations.

Activities :

  • Memorizing statements, songs and nursery rhymes,
  • Imitation of different rhythms by accompanying the phrases heard or reproduced on the tambourine,
  • Games on the sound of the language
  • The acquisition of the first statements and some elements of the culture concerned,
  • Talk about himself and his environment,
  • Maintain some simple social relationships,
  • Participate in class life.

In parallel :

  • It discovers certain realities of the life of children of the same age in English-speaking countries (more precisely in England and America) and in relation to other realities of the program.
  • Familiarization with the diversity of cultures and languages (birthdays, school celebrations).


  • LAGANGE AT THE HEART OF LEARNING Communication skills To be able to
  • Respond to adult requests by making yourself understood from the end of the first year of schooling (3 or 4 years),
  • Take the initiative in an exchange and lead it beyond the first response,
  • Participate in a collective exchange by agreeing to listen to others, waiting for their turn to speak and remaining within the meaning of the exchange.

Competence regarding the accompanying language or action:

  • Understand the ordinary instructions of the class,
  • Say what you are doing or what a friend is doing (in an activity, a workshop, etc.)
  • Lend your voice to a puppet,

Evocative language skills:

  • Recall by making yourself understood an event that was experienced collectively (school trip, activity, incident, etc.)
  • Understand a story adapted to their age and demonstrate it by reformulating the narrative of the story in their own words,
  • Identify the characters in a story, characterize them physically and morally, draw them,
  • Tell an already known tale based on the succession of illustrations,
  • Invent a short story in which the actors will be correctly posed, or there will be at least one event and a closure
  • Say or sing at least ten songs and poetry each year.

Written language skills:

  • Know what an urban sign, a poster, a newspaper, a book, a notebook, a computer screen, etc. are used for (i.e. give examples of the texts that can be found on one of them them).

Familiarization with written language and literature.

  • Dictate a text individually to an adult by controlling the speed of the flow and asking for reminders, to modify their utterances,
  • In a collective dictation to adults, restore the syntactic structure of an ungrammatical sentence; propose an improvement in the cohesion of the text (pronominalization, connection between two sentences, restoration of temporal homogeneity,)
  • Rephrase in your own words a passage read by the teacher,
  • Discuss some great human experiences, a text read or told by the teacher,
  • Briefly tell the story of some fictional characters encountered in albums or in stories discovered in class.

Discovery of the sound realities of language.

  • Rhythmize a text by chanting the oral syllables,
  • Recognize the same syllable in several statements,
  • Produce assonance or rhyme.

Graphic and writing activity.

  • Write a first name in capital letters and in cursive letters,
  • Reproduce a simple graph by explaining how to proceed,
  • At the end of nursery school, copy a line of text in cursive writing while holding the instrument correctly, placing the sheet on the bottom axis and respecting the direction of the lines.

Discovery of the alphabetical principle

  • From the end of the first year of nursery school (3 to 4 years old), recognize your first name written in capitals,
  • Be able to say where the successive words are in a sentence written by the adult,
  • Know the names of the letters of the alphabet,
  • Suggest alphabetical writing for a simple word by borrowing fragments of words displayed in the class.
  • Live together

The child will be able to:

  • Play one’s role in an activity by adopting individual behavior which takes into account the relationships and constraints of collective life,
  • Identify and know the roles and functions of the different adults in the school,
  • Respect the rules of common life (respect for others, equipment, rules of politeness, etc.) and apply in your behaviour towards your comrades some principles of collective life (listening, mutual aid, initiative, etc.).

Act and express yourself with your body

Because they are complementary, the child must experience each of these activities each year in modules of different activities, over several sessions (5 to 6 maximum)

Ex :


Running, jumping, throwing in different ways (athletic activities)


Adapt your movements to different types of environment


Driving activities, cycling, scooters


Carry out activities with an artistic, aesthetic or expressive aim (dance rounds and games)


Running, jumping, throwing in different ways (athletic activities)

Carry out an action that can be measured

    To be able to:
  • Run, jump, throw in different ways, for example: run fast, jump far with or without momentum),
  • Run, jump, throw in spaces with varied equipment (e.g. throwing different objects far)
  • Run, jump, throw to beat your record (in time, in distance).
Implementation: Athletic activities:

Skills at the end of nursery school:

  • Run fast in a straight line for 4 to 5 seconds,
  • Throw a weighted object far, without leaving the momentum zone,
  • Jump further than or as high as possible with or without momentum,
Implementation : Athletic activities:

Skills at the end of nursery school:

  • Run fast in a straight line for 4 to 5 seconds,
  • Throw a weighted object far, without leaving the momentum zone,
  • Jump further than or as high as possible with or without momentum,

Adapt your movements to different types of environments

To be able to:
  • Move in unusual forms of action, rolling, swinging, moving on all fours, rolling over, walking like a toad, like a duck, with garlic, waddling, etc.)
  • Moving (walking, running) in foreign and uncertain environments (the yard, the sand, going up, down, climbing, etc.)
  • Move in or on unstable environments (tires, blocks, stones, sand, etc.).

Towards gymnastic activities

Room (courtyard) fitted out with large equipment, obstacles, you can move around in different ways

Orientation activities

  • Close and familiar environment
  • Semi-natural and close environment (walk in the woods, in the forest, etc.)

Aquatic activity

  • Swimming pool (for 3rd graders when possible)
  • Rolling and sliding activities: module and fitted walls.
  • Climbing activities: module and fitted walls.
  • Horse riding activities: wooden horse

Skills at the end of nursery school.

To be able to :

Move from one point to another in different ways (rolling, sliding, crossing, jumping, etc.) taking measured risks and trying to arrive on your feet.

Cooperate and oppose an adversary individually or collectively

To be able to :

Oppose individually against an opponent in a wrestling game (pull, push, grab, fall with, immobilize, etc.)

Cooperate with partners and collectively oppose one or more opponents in a collective game: transport, throw (objects, balls), run to catch, to escape, etc.


Dual opposition games (wrestling) – with adults

Team games (including traditional games with or without a ball): chases, object transport games, activities involving throwing balls at targets, goals and at various distances- with children.

With children aged 4 and 5: these same games and activities are carried out in delimited spaces, with different roles to play.